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9/11 Pentagon Memorial Heroes

Patricia E. Mickley

Born October 15, 1959, 41 years old


Patty was a nurturing mother, a loving daughter, a devoted spouse, a loyal sister, a caring aunt and very special family member. She was a supportive friend and a dedicated professional with a deep belief in God, Family and Country. She was a selfless person – always thinking of others first. If for a moment you could imagine Patty sharing lasting words to each of those close to her, I believe this is what it would be: “I love you. I will miss you. You are a treasure to my soul. Do not be distressed with my passing. I’ve lived my life true to God’s wishes and I have now gone to join Him in heaven. I will be happy and will rest with the comfort of knowing that you can gather strength from my passing. Channel that strength into positive actions here on Earth. Live according to God’s Will. I will see you again in Heaven.” 

She was devoted to the defense of the values of this great Nation and gave her life defending these values. She believed in America and worked hard to guarantee her family could live the values we cherish. We believe this makes her a true hero. 

Patty is an American hero. We will always think of her as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend or associate. We can be proud to live with the knowledge that she would have willingly given her life to protect us. We can share honor in our association with her. We can express love because that is what she would have wanted. Patty’s daughter, Marie Jacqueline, will always carry many loving, tender memories of her mother. She will miss her, think of her often, and love her the rest of her life. She will draw comfort knowing that her mother died for our country. 
Thank you, Patty, for being a loving spouse. Thank you for the tender moments. Thank you for your ability to draw us together. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for your love. You will never be far from our thoughts until some day we meet in Heaven. 

Patty was born in East Chicago, Indiana on October 15, 1959. She was raised in Dale City, Virginia. She is a Virginia Tech University Alumnus. She dedicated more than 19 years to the Department of Defense. Patty is survived by her husband, Joseph (Joe); daughter, Marie; father, Philip; mother, Jacqueline; sisters, Anne and Katherine; brother, John; and nieces and nephews: Jennifer, Colleen, Aimee, Lewis, Sarah, Nicole, Andrew, Lisa and John.

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9/11 Pentagon Memorial Heroes

Meet the Heroes

The Pentagon Memorial was created to remember and honor those family members and friends who are no longer with us because of the events of September 11th, 2001 at the Pentagon.