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Pentagon Memorial Student Activity for School Group and Tours

The Pentagon Memorial stands as a poignant tribute to the 184 lives lost in the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. As a group leader, you can help students appreciate the significance of 9/11 and the impact it had on the Pentagon community.


A Meaningful Visit

As Course Leaders and experienced guides, you already know the facts of 9/11 and the Pentagon Memorial. Here are some suggestions to make your group’s visit to the Memorial more meaningful and transformative. By engaging students in an interactive activity, they will deepen their understanding and personal connection to the memorial. Here are two suggested activities:


Activity #1: Biography Look-up

  1. Assign each student a name from the Locator Stone or the website in advance. Make sure they note the birth year.
  2. Have the student go to to find the biography.
  3. After reading about the person, find the birth year along the perimeter wall, and then find the individual’s memorial bench.
  4. Have the students sit on the bench and reread the biography.


Activity #2: Reflective Journaling

  1. Provide students with questions and ask them to find a quiet spot within the memorial. Encourage them to reflect on the following prompts and record their thoughts:
    1. What emotions do you feel as you walk through the Pentagon Memorial?
    2. How do you think the events of 9/11 have shaped the world we live in today?
    3. Why is it important to remember and honor the victims of such tragedies?
  2. After the journaling session, invite students to share their reflections in small groups or as a class discussion. This activity fosters empathy and a deeper connection to the memorial’s significance.



We kindly ask that Course Leaders, teachers, and chaperones urge students not to throw money or other items into the reflective pools beneath the benches. Items thrown into the pools damage the water pumps and the wave generators.