9/11 Pentagon Memorial Visitor Education Center Public/Agency Scoping Meeting
The Pentagon Memorial Fund (PMF) is proposing to construct and operate a Visitor Education Center (VEC) for the Pentagon Memorial on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) with a license being proposed to be granted by ANC. PMF is hosting a public/agency scoping meeting to provide background information on the project and solicit feedback from interested parties. The meeting will provide an opportunity for participants to sign in, meet with the project team to ask questions, review informational materials, and provide comments.
DATE: December 12, 2022
TIME: 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
LOCATION: ANC Welcome Center at 1 Memorial Avenue, Arlington, Virginia
The meeting location is accessible by Metro. Paid parking is available on-site. Masks for COVID-19 protection are optional. The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance, please call Stacey Rosenquist at 703-963-9465. Arrangements can be made to accommodate most needs.
Meeting materials will be available on PMF’s website beginning on November 21, 2022, at https://pentagonmemorial.org as well as ANC’s website at www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/About/Policies-and-Public-Notices/Public-Notices.
Written comments may be submitted by mail to:
Leyla Lange
Johnson, Mirmiran and Thompson
40 Wight Avenue
Hunt Valley, MD 21030
Comments may also be submitted by email to [email protected]. Comments will be received through December 30th, 2022.